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Ukraine – Україна


46,2 million


603 700 km²


Kyiv (2,6 million inhabitants)

Major cities

Kharkiv (1,5 M. Inhab.), Dnipropetrovsk (1,2 M Inhab.), Odessa (1 M. Inhab.), Donetsk (1 M. Inhab.), Lviv (800 000 Inhab.)


Ukrainian (official language); Russian (Most spoken language in the East and South)


Hryvna (UAH)

National Day

24th of August, Independence day.

Time zone

UTC + 2 hours [France + 1]

Phone indicator

+ 380


Ukraine is one of the rare country to know a constant decrease of its population. In 2006, the demographic growth was – 0,8%


The industrial regions in the east and southeast are the most heavily populated, and about 67.2 percent of the population lives in urban areas.

Life expectancy

Females - 74 years ; Males - 62,2 years (2007)

Ethnic composition

According to the 2001 Ukrainian Census [http://www.ukrcensus.gov.ua/eng/results/general/nationality/], ethnic Ukrainians make up 77.8% of the population. Other significant ethnic groups are Russians (17.3%), Belarusians (0.6%), Moldavans (0.5%), Crimean Tatars (0.5%), Bulgarians (0.4%), Hungarians (0.3%), Romanians (0.3%), Poles (0.3%), Jews (0.2%), Armenians (0.2%), Greeks (0.2%) and Tatars (0.2%).



National Hymn

         Adopted for the first time in 1917 but suppressed by the Soviet regime until Ukraine gained independence in 1991. The following lyrics are those of the Verkhovna Rada, put forward with slight modifications on the 6th of March, 2003.

Ще не вмерла України ні слава, ні воля,
Ще нам, браття молодії, усміхнеться доля.
Згинуть наші воріженьки, як роса на сонці,
Запануєм і ми, браття, у своїй сторонці.

Душу й тіло ми положим за нашу свободу.
І покажем, що ми, браття, козацького роду. 


Ukraine has not perished; neither has its glory, nor freedom,

Fate will yet smile on us, young brothers,

Our enemies will fade away, like dew in the sun,

Then, brothers, we will preside happily over our own country.


For our freedom, we will lay down our souls, our bodies,

And will prove, brothers, that we are truly Cossacks.




La gloire de l'Ukraine n'est pas encore morte, ni sa liberté,
La chance nous sourira encore, jeunes frères,
Nos ennemis périront, comme la rosée au soleil,
Et nous aussi, frères, vivrons heureux dans notre pays.

Pour notre liberté, nous n'épargnerons ni nos âmes, ni nos corps,
Et prouverons, frères, que nous sommes de la lignée des Cosaques.

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  • : Ce blog vise à faire découvrir l'Ukraine, ses paysages, sa culture et sa mémoire - notamment celle de la communauté juive de Lviv. This blog aim at the discovery of Ukraine, its landscapes, its culture and its memory - especially the one of the Jewish Community of Lviv.
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